The Crux Angelica of St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas did not like storms.

It’s no wonder. The story goes that when he was a little boy, lightning struck the tower in which he lay sleeping with his nurse. His mother ran in, frantic, at the noise. Thomas was unharmed but his little sister was dead, as were the horses in the stable below.

Later in life, he suffered terribly during a thunderstorm as he spent the night in an underground cave, and to help allay his dread, he is said to have traced the letters of the Crux Angelica, or Angelic Cross, on the cave wall.

Carried and recited with faith and devotion, it’s said to protect from sudden death, defeat in battle, disease, imprisonment, accidents while traveling, witchcraft, demonic possession, death during childbirth, and yes, storms.

The Latin translates as follows:

The cross to me a sure salvation.

The cross it is I ever adore.

The cross of my Lord with me.

The cross my refuge.

St. Thomas, the so-called Angelic Doctor, was one of the greatest minds of medieval Europe. It’s impossible to overstate how much his works of scholastic philosophy influenced Catholic doctrine. Due to his studiousness and incredible mind, he is also the patron saint of students and is known as the Angel of the Schools.

Read more about his life in this work by Fr. Placid Conway or in St. Thomas Manual: or Devotion of the Six Sundays in Honor of the Angel of the Schools, St. Thomas of Aquin.