Don’t Ask and You Won’t Receive: An Apology for Reinstating the Rogation Days – Adoremus

The Rogation Days once reminded the faithful of their need for God’s help. They helped cure them of their complacency and fostered humility. They reminded them that all the advantages of science, which in recent centuries have sheltered Western man from many natural disasters, do not negate the necessity of prayer. They reminded the faithful of their need of repentance.

– Peter Day-Milne

New Year’s Sale

I intended to run this ahead of Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but between some problems with the internet-via-AT&T-hotspot and a nice case of the flu I brought home with my Thanksgiving leftovers, it did not happen. So we’ll just do it late instead!

  • Use code HOLIDAYS10 to take 10% off any order.
  • Use code HOLIDAYS15 to take 15% off any order totaling $50+.
  • Use code HOLIDAYS20 to take 20% off any order totaling $75+.

Good until midnight on January 3rd.

New Year’s Clearing & Blessing Service

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a *really rough* 2023. A lot of it was outside my control, and a lot went wrong even after I planned, researched, and prepared. It has definitely been a reminder lesson that sometimes the only thing I can control is how I respond, and mindset is such a huge factor in fostering and practicing resilience.

I already knew this, of course, but it was like the universe decided I needed some Continuing Education Credits in the concept or something. And it’s probably true, because there was more than one occasion where I really thought something along the lines of, “I’ve tried everything. I’m out of options. It’s hopeless and I’m trapped in this intolerable situation” — and then spent hours or days paralyzed and miserable.

I am not here to sell you a motivational poster, and I’m not telling you there’s a magic wand anybody can wave that can suddenly set you free from the shadow of trauma or tragedy, from the dis-eases of depression and anxiety, from the ugly realities of distribution of, and access to, resources in a late-capitalist hellscape, from bad habits and anxiety spirals and unhealthy mental feedback loops. There’s no wand or I would have waved the damned thing by now, for myself and for *countless* clients and friends and even strangers.

And I’m not trying to tell you anything is as simple as “resolve.” I’m definitely not telling you to make New Year’s resolutions to “turn over a new leaf’ here.

But I am here to tell you that unless you’re one of those rare Holy Fools under the special protection of God, your chances for pretty much anything good are pretty strongly correlated with your resolve and resilience. Those aren’t static characteristics, things you’re either born with or just don’t have. They are often choices, things we have to work on, things we have to adjust over the course of our lives to accommodate new circumstances, priorities, and obligations.

And on New Year’s Eve, millions of people will be counting down, focused on saying goodbye to the old, and then shortly after that, cheering and toasting and wishing each other well for the new year.

This ceremony is designed to take advantage of that fact and hitch your petitions a ride on this global energetic wave. Because sometimes resilience and resolve need a little boost.

How It Works

After you book, fill out the intake form for the New Year’s Service. I will use the information in your intake form to create the paper packets for the service.

First there’s the Clearing segment of the service, which will take place shortly before midnight at a sacred fire, during which I’ll be burning whatever words or symbols you’ve submitted to indicate or represent those things you are Clearing from your life.

Next, for the Blessing segment, I’ll be ritually opening the door and calling in Blessings, again using whatever words or symbols you’ve submitted. I’ll set a Blessing offertory light for each participant and then draw a card to give you insight and a focus for meditation for the coming year. Your card for the year will be posted to the client Discord server.

Finally, I’ll mail you this same information about your card for the year, along with a specially-prepared card for New Year’s luck and blessings.

During all of this, you are invited to join the client Discord server and ask any questions, participate in any discussions, and use any resources made available there, such as an outline of First Footing traditions from around the world, advice on what to eat for New Year’s luck, and traditions on what to avoid doing. 

This is a Pay What You Can service.

Learn more or book now at Seraphin Station.